Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hey im here to make you LOL at life and i have another story to tell you.

Well, my buddy was on his was to his girfriend house and he left up the street to go to the store and on his way back the police stop him becasue he was sitting on the coner tying his shoe and a cop says that he has got calls of robbery in the neighborhood and he just so happen to fit the the black discription and in about 7 to 10 min there was 3 cop cars breathing his neck sayng they saw him running and he looked as if he stole something. And of course they said he fit the descrption of a suspect. so its like damn man is every nigga a target but thats not it his day got worse. As he's on his way home waiting at the bus stop minding his own bizz and three "NIGGA'S" come up on him and has a gun to back and they tell him to give me all of his stuff and that including his shoes. but all they got from him was 3 punk ass dollars.. SMH

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